Tuesday, August 4, 2009

...I'll be damned

I asked, and Blizzard giveth. Oh thank thee mighty Blizzard. Thou hast given unto me a savior. Praise the server, patch, and the Ghostcrawler, Amen.

Seriously, made that post with such gloom, and then the patch comes out this week, that's, excuse me, bitchin :). Yay for new patches, hopefully I can actually get to play though. We'll see.
(This picture is quite cute, but excuse the abuse of grammar on the subheading, I did not make this.)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Please let 3.1 end soon!

Sigh...another day of shitty battlegrounds on live, to amazing ones on the PTR. So here's how my day starts. I log in, get into an Arathi Basin, do pretty well, pretty dull so far. Oh noes! A ret paladin in full hateful, naxx 10 helm/pants, a ulduar 25m weapon, and rocking a 900 rated 2v2 (lol, I check armories when silly stuff like this happens). He kills both the other full furious ret and I before we can do anything. This is the "balanced" and "it's fine" damage that Ret does? That people who undergear you by two tiers at least do the same or better damage than you? Give me a break. That kind of game mechanic is flawed so badly. Then it turns into this...the total opposite. I get on the PTR and all these people, premade or not, who undergear me lose. Not because they did something differently, but because they can't compete with the amount of survivablity and damage I put out compared to theirs. Not this current system of, "Let's see who wins the dice roll, with the lesser geared scrubtastic player getting a higher roll chance." Which is how I feel about PvP at the moment (on live), especially against DKs and other Rets. The way this build (3.1) has progressed has seriously forced me into just not going into battlegrounds or arena, just to avoid the frustration of some nub coming down with a naxx 25 weapon and killing me just because luck favored him. Skill at this point is irrelevant, and I'm quite ready for it to end, can't wait for the patch. There, my QQ is done, don't expect much else from me. :D

See ya!